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Unfortunately the Masterclass is fully booked. Please register via events@childrensmuseumcuracao.org if you want to join on Thursday November 1st. If there are enough registrations we will organize a second masterclass.

Masterclass for Adults: Character development in picture books

During a 3-hour interactive workshop participants will come up with a character for a children’s book. The aim of the workshop is to challenge adults to get out their comfort zone via various thinking, drawing and brainstorming techniques.

Participants are invited to bring their favorite drawing material themselves, but materials are also provided by the museum.



Date: Wednesday October 31st: 7 – 10 PM

No experience needed to participate in the Masterclass

Maximum capacity is 15 persons

Costs: Nafl. 25,00

Location: Children’s Museum Curaçao

Registration via events@childrensmuseumcuracao.org

This program is made possible by Fonds21Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie and BankGiro Loterij Fonds.

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