• All Memberships are non-refundable.
  • All Memberships are non-transferable and are tied to the names given on the initial registration.
  • The Membership is not applicable to any other Museum Events, Vacation Camps, or Workshops unless otherwise stated.
  • The Membership is not applicable when associated with a group visit e.g.: Birthday Parties, School Visits, Vacation Camps, etc.
  • Your membership is valid for 1 year starting from the day you received your confirmation e-mail.
  • The Membership does not mean automatic access to the museum, you still have to make a reservation before visiting the Museum.
  • When using your Membership to visit the Museum, you can book only 1 timeslot per day.
  • Children’s Museum Curaçao reserves the right to change opening days and times without prior notice to the membership community.
  • Children’s Museum Curaçao reserves the right to refuse access to the Museum due to fully booked timeslots, bad weather, private events, etc.
  • To change any information on your registration, please send us an e-mail at marketing@childrensmuseumcuracao.org
  • Changes to the membership package are only possible when adding family members to an existing package. You can only add to your membership by sending us an e-mail to marketing@childrensmuseumcuracao.org. An update to your current Membership is confirmed when you receive a confirmation e-mail from us.
  • Any late add-ons that are added during the membership year will expire once the Basic Family Membership is expired.
  • If you are renewing your membership before it has expired, the new year of play will begin after your current membership expires.

Any questions? Check out our FAQs or send us an e-mail at marketing@childrensmuseumcuracao.org and we’ll happily answer them for you.